
Big Strategy of Small Alliances – Has It Reached Its Momentum for Ukraine?

In the recent years Ukraine was investing its efforts into launching small alliances grouping friendly countries together.

They included the four-way cooperation format between the foreign and defense ministers of Ukraine and Türkiye, as well as that of the "Lublin triangle" with Poland and Lithuania and "Associated Trio" with Georgia and Moldova. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine assessed them as successful examples that are developing, gaining weight and bringing Ukraine specific benefits.

Though Ukraine’s foreign policy is predominantly shaped by its European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations, it hasn’t forgotten about its closest neighbours and partners. But how viable are these alliances? What is their added value for Ukraine’s security and prosperity nowadays? Is it worth filling in with life some partly inactive formats?

These issues were discussed within an expert discussion held on April 12, 2023 by the Representation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Ukraine together with the Foreign Policy Council Ukrainian Prism.

Ukrainian civil society experts and diplomats took part in the discussion. The participants concluded that small alliances have their value for strengthening bilateral and trilateral cooperation, as well form the ground for successful operation of Ukraine within multinational formats. They can help Ukraine promote its goals in bigger multinational organizations. Poland e.g. has already become a main proponent of providing Ukraine with Western-style tanks and Ukraine’s EU accession and deeper integration.

Every alliance has its own strategic goal, which Ukraine should use and take into consideration when building its foreign policy. In the EU there are lots of small alliances, e.g. Germany and France, Weimar triangle or an informal alliance of Baltic states. Via participation in small alliances Ukraine would be prepared for the EU membership and cooperation with various countries with divergent interests, which are part of the EU. Having a successful background of bilateral or trilateral cooperation, Ukraine can strengthen its image of trustworthy partner and ally. All the participants have also agreed that small alliances present no substitution to Ukraine’s integration to the EU or NATO but only help Ukraine on this way.

Following this link, you can watch the recording of the discussion (UA): https://fb.watch/jTNnCnOMte/

Text of the research is available at these links: Українською мовоюEnglish.

Grand strategy of small alliances of Ukraine

Gerasymchuk, Sergiy; Drapak, Mykhailo

Grand strategy of small alliances of Ukraine

Use of potential against the background of global challenges
Kyiv, 2023

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Velyka stratehija malych al'jansiv Ukraïny

Herasymčuk, Serhij; Drapak, Mychajlo

Velyka stratehija malych al'jansiv Ukraïny

Vykorystannja potencialu na foni hlobal'nych vyklykiv
Kyiv, 2023

Download publication (220 KB, PDF-File)

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